Parents and Teachers

This page is a guide to navigating the Festival.  If you are NEW or if you are SEASONED, we hope you will find value in this information!

General Information

Q: What is the festival all about?
A: This Brochure will give you an overview

Q: When do I register?
A: 2025 Registration dates: February 1 - 20.  The Registration System is only accessible through the Register page.  Late registration runs from Feb 21-22 (late fees are charged)
*Payment is ONLY accepted through "STRIPE."

Q: Where does the festival happen?
A:  April 7 - 11 piano  performances are held at Emerald Hills Leisure Centre  in Sherwood Park.
A:  April 14 - 17 all other disciplines are held  Festival Place in Sherwood Park.

Q. When do I find out when I perform?
A:  The performance schedule is released by Mar 10, 2025. Performances are scheduled throughout each day from 8:30 am - 9:30 pm. 

Q: Where are the rules and guidelines of the festival, and what can be performed?
A: In the SYLLABUS.  Familiarize yourself with the 'RULES' and review the discipline pages of the syllabus, you will be entering in. For example, if you are entering in Piano, then that is the discipline you need to be familiar with.

Q: What is proof of valid use of copyright, as stated in RULE 50?
A: There are 5 acceptable ways to prove the selection has valid use of copyright:
1. The selection comes from a published book.
2. The selection is in the form of purchased sheet music, with an accompanying receipt.
3. The selection is in the form of sheet music, but there was no purchase. The performer must gain and submit written approval from the copyright holder, for the selection to be performed.
4. The selection is in the form of sheet music, and is considered to be "public domain." This means the copyright has expired, after 50+ years. Performer may need to do some research to verify. The full URL must be included on the title page.
5. Proof of membership to nkoda digital sheet music subscription app.

It is permissible, as stated in RULE 49, for photocopies to be made, and used, in the performance space from the single selection that shows proof of valid use of copyright.

The following are NOT acceptable ways to prove the selection has valid use of copyright:
1. The selection is in the form or purchased sheet music, with NO accompanying receipt.
2. The selection is in the form of sheet music, but there was no purchase. The performer DID NOT  gain written approval from the copyright holder, for the selection to be performed.
3. Proof of membership to a digital sheet music subscription app, that is NOT nkoda.

If an entrant CAN NOT prove valid use of copyright, a disclaimer must be signed, at the Door Marshal's table. By signing the disclaimer, the entrant (accompanying adult) verifies that no copyright laws have been broken, and they assume all responsibility for the copyright.
***Without proof of valid use of copyright, entrants are unable to attend the Alberta Music Festival, should the entrant receive a nomination from the adjudicator. ***

*Common festival terminology: *Not found in the Glossary* (complete glossary located in the syllabus)
Discipline - It is the instrument being performed. They are all listed in the Table of Contents, as main headings
Category - In the Table of Contents, they are listed as a subheading, underneath the discipline they belong to. 
Class - In the syllabus, it is a bolded heading.  Listed beneath are numbers and ages/grades.
Class number - In the syllabus, these are listed below the Class (bolded heading). It is a 5-digit number.
Genre - Referring to the time period (style/subject matter) the selection was composed/written.

Choosing What to Perform

Q: How many selections can be performed?
A: As many as you wish.

Q: Is there a specific kind of repertoire that should be performed?
A: Not at all. Choose repertoire that is at your level of ability, and learn it to the best of your ability. The adjudicator's feedback will guide you in how to make your performance even better.

***See RULE #50 and ensure you have proof of valid use of copyright for your selections you are choosing to perform***


Q: How do you qualify for Scholarships?


Q: Do I enter in Competitive Classes or Non-Competitive Classes?
A: See the SCHOLARSHIP DETAILS page, and be sure to study the Flow Chart.

Q: How do I choose the correct class for my selection?
A: Take time to ensure that the proper research on the composer has been completed to determine the correct genre/class to be entered. “Own Choice” should be used ONLY as a backup, OR if both selections are from the same genre/class. (You are only allowed to enter 1 (one) selection in a class).
A: COMPLETE Concertos and Sonatas (in strings, brass, percussion, woodwind, guitar) may ONLY be played in the Concerto or Sonata Classes. Single movements of concertos/sonatas may be entered in partial concerto/sonata classes or other solo classes.

Q: How do I know if a selection has been "arranged?"  (the publishing company is NOT the arranger)
A: Example #1: Fur Elise, in level 2A of Piano Adventures method book, is composed by Beethoven and is then arranged for easy piano by Faber and Faber.  Fur Elise - the original composition, is a level 8 piece in the RCM repertoire book. 

Example #2:  A Whole New World, in Piano Adventures method book, is composed by Alan Menken and is then arranged for piano by Faber and Faber.  A Whole New World - the original composition, was composed for multiple instruments.

Q: The lyrics contain profanity, what should I do?
A:  In following RULE #36 (regarding repertoire in the repertoire), please make the appropriate changes. When registering, please also send an email the festival director notifying that the appropriate changes have been made.

Q: Do I have all the information I need to register?
A: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Use the 'CLASS REGISTRATION FORM' (DOWNLOAD)  ***TBA selections are ONLY permitted in Music Composition. All other selection titles must be entered when registering.

Q: I am ready to register, what do I do?
A: Registration is most effectively done from a computer, NOT from a mobile device. The teacher, the parent and the child will each need to have a profile created. 
Access the registration system from the REGISTER page. You are fully registered once payment is made. No changes are permitted once payment has been made. Payment is only accepted through "STRIPE."


Q: What happens? What do I need?
A:  #1 - Review the discipline section of the syllabus   AND  the rules.
      #2 - See the PERFORMANCES page.

Q: What if I am in a competitive class and I perform with music?
A: You will receive an adjudication and a standing, and will be disqualified from scholarship eligibility.

Q: What is proof of valid use of copyright, as stated in RULE 50?
A: There are 5 acceptable ways to prove the selection has valid use of copyright:
1. The selection comes from a published book.
2. The selection is in the form of purchased sheet music, with an accompanying receipt.
3. The selection is in the form of sheet music, but there was no purchase. The performer must gain and submit written approval from the copyright holder, for the selection to be performed.
4. The selection is in the form of sheet music, and is considered to be "public domain." This means the copyright has expired, after 50+ years. Performer may need to do some research to verify. The full URL must be included on the title page.
5. Proof of membership to nkoda digital sheet music subscription app.

*It is permissible, as stated in RULE 49, for photocopies to be made, and used, in the performance space from the single selection that shows proof of valid use of copyright.

The following are NOT acceptable ways to prove the selection has valid use of copyright:
1. The selection is in the form or purchased sheet music, with NO accompanying receipt.
2. The selection is in the form of sheet music, but there was no purchase. The performer DID NOT  gain  written approval from the copyright holder, for the selection to be performed.
3. Proof of membership to a digital sheet music subscription app, that is NOT nkoda.

If an entrant CAN NOT prove valid use of copyright, a disclaimer (view disclaimer) must be signed, at the Door Marshal's table. By signing the disclaimer, the entrant (accompanying adult) verifies that no copyright laws have been broken, and they assume all responsibility for the copyright.
***Without proof of valid use of copyright, entrants are unable to attend the Alberta Music Festival, should the entrant receive a nomination from the adjudicator.

Q: I am performing more than one (1) selection in my class. Do I have to perform my selections in the order it is printed in the program?
A: No. You may perform your selections in any order you choose. When introducing your selections, announce them in the order you are performing.

Q: The adjudicator did not announce which performer won, nor which performer received the highest mark. Why?
A: Performances are scheduled according to time, not scholarship qualifications. The Adjudicator choose the winners of scholarships after all performances, in that discipline, are finished. Winners of scholarships are then personally contacted by a SPMFA Board Representative. All scholarships are handed out at the Grand Concert and Awards Ceremony. 

Q: I am unable to perform at my assigned time. I need to withdraw. What do I do?
A:  Notify the Festival Director at and state which class  you are withdrawing  from. *There are no refunds issued*

Alberta Provincial Music Festival 

Q: Does every scholarship winner go?
A: No. See the SYLLABUS .
Only one (1) solo performer from three (3) different age categories is recommended, from each discipline.
Exceptions: brass, percussion and woodwind - two (2) solo performers are permitted to be recommended.

Grand Concert

Q: What is it?
A: See the GRAND CONCERT page.